Hello faithful reader!
I'm building a card game and one of the cards is that of a frog.
I was struck by how easy it is to be in the territory of the unknown when we repeat words.
Say a word 1000 times - and somewhere in the middle, it can feel weird on one's tongue.
It even has a label: Semantic satiation.On a related note, you can change its spelling - and potentially be newly inspired!
-: frustration :-
I hereby share the reality that, the day after I posted about giving space for creativity:And I was beset with no inspiration.
An excellent, gentle reminder that many, many lessons, once learned, need to be refreshed.
Giving yourself the space to fail, and not quit, is priceless.
-: pondering :-
One of the things I'm fascinated by is our inability to genuinely see and know reality.
We certainly have sensory experiences and memories.
But to know what IS real we almost always need at least one other person:
One person to corroborate/confirm the gathered data.
One person (perhaps the same) to help challenge the interpretation of the data.
And one person who teaches you to break trust with loved ones can devastate everything.
-: idea :-
It would be fascinating if there were a way to present someone with a sufficiently complicated, contrived scenario, have that person write up what they noticed and experienced as a result, and some form of review/analysis could be performed on the write-up that communicates what biases the person has as well as potentially what aspects they may have cognitive blindness toward.
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