Hello faithful reader! I was recently reading the bible and ruminating on Genesis. In Genesis 22, you have Abraham offering Isaac for a sacrifice. At the end of the chapter, a concubine is mentioned: Reumah. The first few times I read this, I thought this was Abraham's concubine; it felt like a bit of a betrayal of Sarah. This seemed further compounded by the fact the next time she's mentioned is her burial. I will have to confirm - but the internet seems to think this was not Abraham's concubine. Perhaps this was God's will - having two children from whom would come many nations was enough. However, the main item I wanted to mention was Sarah's gravesite. Abraham ultimately bought a small cave, and a field, for about $100,000 (400 shekels) [ link ]. I find this interesting for several reasons. The first - that Abraham pays for a burial site. I'm not sure if this was because he didn't want his wife buried on his own land or that perhaps his culture preferred...